Healthy Breakfasts for the girl on the go

I have one requirement for my breakfasts. Without this, breakfast will simply not be consumed. It must be EASY. i have tried to prioritize eating a well balanced breakfast lately because i find it helps my energy levels throughout the day and helps me make more intuitiive food decisions throughout the day because I’m not absolutely famished by the time lunch time rolls around.

Here are a few quick breakfast ideas that will have you feeling ready to conquer the day:

  • Banana and peanut butter (or your nut butter of choice) - Pro tip: have a jar of all natural peanut butter in your desk so all you have to do is throw a banana in your bag in the morning

  • Overnight protein oats: I combine 1/4 cup of dry oats, sprinkle of chia seeds, half scoop of protein powder, and a sprinkle of sugar free pudding mix with oat milk and let sit in the fridge overnight. In the morning i will top with berries if i have them

  • Non-fat greek yogurt (an AMAZING source of protein): i add frozen berries to the yogurt the night before so that they are thawed out overnight - i also add some peanut butter when I’m feeling fancy

  • Protein waffles: Kodiak Cakes has frozen waffles as well as cups in which you can add water and microwave for a protein packed breakfast.

  • pb&j toast: there is nothing more satisfying than toast topped with pb&j and a sprinkle of sea salt!

Cheers to an energized morning! What is your favorite breakfast on the go?

xo Eliza


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