tips for trying a new workout class

I used to ALWAYS get nervous to try a new class. There are so many unknown factors going in and on top of that, I always assume every single other person there is a regular at the studio (probably not the case at all). So in addition to my Class Notes that can help you learn everything you need to know about a class before you go - here are some tips for trying any new studio so you can be your most confident self going in and make the most of each workout.

Show up early!! There is nothing worse than getting lost and running into class late. It throws off my whole workout. I always try to post parking details on my Class Notes so you can look there first!
Bring a friend! I have a few friends who also have ClassPass and we are always trying new classes together. It’s always nice to have someone to laugh with when the class has you doing the MOST ridiculous moves.
Don’t be afraid to tell the instructor that you’re new! I know this seems weird but I promise they’ll keep an extra eye on you to perfect your form. Better form = better workout and less injuries. They’ll be happy to know it’s your first time and give you some special treatment.
Don’t feel like you have to keep up with the class! Go at your own pace and enjoy it, don’t compare yourself to the people in the room that do this class 5x a week.
Don’t forget I have reviews and breakdowns of TONS of studios/classes in Dallas! I give you all the deets you need to know before your first class.

What class have you always wanted to try??


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